Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fire Safety

At Chets Creek we always like to do things a little better every year. Luckily one of our parents is a fireman and is always willing to help us out with our Fire Safety program. Yesterday 3 firemen from Station 41 came to our school in full gear.

This year was not just about teaching them what the fire truck looks like, show them the gear, or to make sure they understood what to do if there was a fire. This year the goal was to continue with those ideas as well as show them how a rescue takes place so they wouldn't be frightened if there was an emergency. Let's admit it, when they are dressed in full gear - they look and sound scary.

Our cafeteria was transformed into a two room house. There were tables, bean bags, a sofa, and even a fireplace. But there were also flames from the candle left on the table.

With the lights down low and smoke from a fog machine, we had a house on fire and a victim that was unconscious (me). The firemen came in on their hands and knees and searched each room, put out the fire with the long hose brought in from the truck, and pulled me out of the house.

The rescue was a success.

The kids were in awe and were so excited by the scene. They had lots of questions and lots of stories to tell. The firemen talked about calling 911, making sure each family has a meeting place, checking smoke detectors, and how to stop - drop - and roll. At the end of the presentation, the kids were allowed to walk around the truck and see all the equipement. So many knobs and buttons.

The students were given a homework assignment of discussing the day with their parents and making sure the batteries were new in their own home smoke detectors. At the end of the day, each child was able to go home with a fireman's hat and a great lesson about fire prevention and safety.

Remember, if you haven't changed your batteries recently - daylight savings time is a great time to do it.


dayle timmons said...

Thank you for planning this fire safety assembly for our kindergartners. Our class returned 20 notes the next day that the families had checked their fire alarms and one student even said his family had to change their batteries because they had died! Thank you for this life saving message! dayle

Surfer Girl said...

Yeah for fire safety!!!