Monday, September 3, 2007

Skills Block

Skills Block is how we begin every morning. After singing our Good Morning song, we sing our Hip Hop Alphabet song to work on our letters and sounds. During this time of our day we work on phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling and vocabulary.

At the beginning of the year we work on a unit called Star Names. Each day we begin with activities based on our "Star Student". Each child in the class has the opportunity to be the "star student" throughout the first couple weeks of school. Using his/her name, we complete fun activites such as comparing their names to other children, finding words that begin with the same sounds, make noticings about his/her name, and sing songs with his/her name included. At the end of our whole group, the students draw a picture of the star student and write his/her name on top. We put these drawings together as a keepsake book. It is a time that makes all our children feel like they are a star in our small world.

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