Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inferring in First Grade

This week our reading strategy is inferring. We have been listening to different scenarios and inferring what information is not given to us. Here are some examples of scenarios we have been working with:

In the morning, we noticed that the trees were uprooted and homes were missing their rooftops
1.What can you infer from this?
2.What words helped you to infer?
3.What do you know in your head that helped you to infer?

The boys poked holes in the lids of the jars. They went outside to look around the yard. “There’s one!” said Bobby. “Now let’s find one for you!”
1.What can you infer from this?
2.What words helped you to infer?
3. What do you know in your head that helped you to infer?

Mom gave Matt and Josh lunch money and walked them to the bus. When the bus came they got on with all the other children and waved goodbye to Mom.
1.What can you infer from this?
2.What words helped you to infer?
3. What do you know in your head that helped you to infer?

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