Monday, January 21, 2008

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

On Thursday we were able to spend the day learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have always felt that it is important for children to learn about people that have made a difference in our world today. What a better age to start teaching students about acceptance, respect, and equal opportunities for everyone! Here are some of the things students had to say about Dr. King. Don't forget you can click on the work to enlarge it.

"Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. He gave speeches about his dream. Someone throw a bomb in his house. Martin Luther King Jr. worked to make his dream come true."

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. he fought for his freedom and he was a smart boy. He wanted the world to think so the world can be a better place. Someone throwd a bomb in his house. Someone shot him. He was a minister."

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was smart and he didn't want to hurt anyone. He spoke with his words and somebody throw a bomb at his house. He wanted black people to be treated the same. Mister Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was black person. He was a preacher. He had a mission."

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